
Hal Hays Construction Inc., to provide “disaster relief” efforts in the Santa Rosa, CA

Riverside, CA – February 15, 2018

Hal Hays Construction Inc., to provide “disaster relief” efforts in the Santa Rosa, California area due to wildfires.

Hal Hays Construction Inc., is proud to participate in a three (3) year Master Task Agreement to provide disaster relief efforts due to the Santa Rosa Wildfires in California.  Hal Hays Construction, Inc., will provide all labor, material, supplies, equipment, tools, machinery and expertise required to restore water mains and water services in the burn areas in Santa Rosa, including: Mark West Estates, Larkfield Estates, Carriage Lane, Upper Wikiup and other areas as required.


Hal Hays Construction, Inc. (HHCI) maintains extensive disaster relief and emergency response experience in rehabilitation of burn areas, forest service road maintenance, water, storm, utility & sewer systems repairs, repair and prevention of erosion and restoration of structures, drains & flumes.  With a dedicated response team including dispatch offices, work order tracking, specially designated fleet trucks, and crews ready to mobilize for emergency response tasks, safety-related tasks, critical facility, and critical asset response requirements.